MONTHLY REMINDERReader, there are often wishes hidden behind our fears. REFLECTION PROMPTS:
FEBRUARY'S REFLECTION PROMPTIn February, I will prioritise loving myself deeply by... What will you do for yourself? When will you do it? How will you do it?...During this month of love, be sure to extend affection inwards; pour into yourself and what overflows, offer to the world. 2 QUOTES WORTH PONDERING1. Heidi Priebe on losing someone multiple times (Taken from 'This Is Me Letting You Go'): "If there’s anything I wish we could talk more about, it’s the in-between stages of letting someone go. Because nobody lets go in an instant. You let go once. And then you let go again. And then again and again and again. You let someone go at the grocery store when their favourite type of soup is on sale, and you don’t buy other. You let them go again when you’re cleaning your bathroom and have to throw out the bottle of body wash that smells like them. You let them go that night at the bar when you got home with somebody else, or you let them go every year on the anniversary of the day you lost them. Sometimes, you’ll have to let one person go a thousand different times, a thousand different ways, and there’s nothing pathetic or abnormal about that. You are human. And it isn’t as simple as making one decision and looking back." REFLECTION PROMPT:
2. Shamanic insight connected to the elements: "When you feel attached, tell it to fire; he is the great master of transmutation.
When you feel stagnant, tell water; she will teach you about movement and flow.
When you understand nothing, speak to air; it will bring you to the here and now, and clarity will come.
If you want to give up, talk to Mother Earth; she knows a thing or two about death and rebirth.
When you feel like your heart is broken, talk to the moon; she will shine a light into the darkness."
NOW AVAILABLEPOPULAR IN JANUARYPODCAST EPISODE 75: Why you're actually stressed (a 1-minute listen)
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MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, some of the best moments of your life are yet to come. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I most excited for in the future? What 'best moments' have I already experienced and how have they shaped me? MARCH'S REFLECTION PROMPT In March, I will add... In March, I will subtract... What additions or enhancements are needed? What requires removal or reduction? 2 QUOTES WORTH PONDERING 1. Lebanese-American writer and poet, Khalil Gibran on living fully: “Do not love half loversDo...
MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, continually ask yourself if your goal is to survive, thrive or flourish. REFLECTION PROMPTS: How do I know when I'm in survival mode? What does thriving look like in the next 12 months? Who am I when I'm flourishing? JANUARY'S REFLECTION PROMPT In January, I will ease the pressure to miraculously transform (myself, my life, a habit etc.). Instead, I will realistically choose to… Real, lasting change seldom happens in an instant. It's the culmination of small,...
MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, patience is a form of action. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I preparing to receive? How will I make space for what's to come? When I get what I want, how will I make sure I savour, nurture and maintain it? DECEMBER'S REFLECTION PROMPT In December, I will honour the last 12 months by... Whatever 2024 has signified for you, it's all part of the journey. Some dots may have connected (or not). Some anomalies may have popped up. The year may have produced some questions; it...