Surviving, seeking and stars (plus updated Magical Threes)!


Reader, continually ask yourself if your goal is to survive, thrive or flourish.


  • How do I know when I'm in survival mode?
  • What does thriving look like in the next 12 months?
  • Who am I when I'm flourishing?


In January, I will ease the pressure to miraculously transform (myself, my life, a habit etc.). Instead, I will realistically choose to…

Real, lasting change seldom happens in an instant. It's the culmination of small, deliberate daily choices.


1. Japanese writer, Haruki Murakami on the reality of manifestations:

"Whatever it is you’re seeking, won’t come in the form you’re expecting."


  • What am I seeking?
  • How do I envision it will come into my life?
  • What other ways are possible?

2. Digital artist and storyteller, Zoe Skylar on life anew:

"For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a gaseous nebula must collapse.
This is not your destruction.
This is your birth."


  • What’s ending? What’s beginning?
  • What’s growing through me?
  • What setbacks have actually been comebacks?


PODCAST EPISODE 83: 5 life paradoxes you might need to hear today

(a 2-minute listen)

INSTAGRAM (@rbccmnq and @noticingwithrebeccamonique)


NEW: Magical Threes 2025

NEW: Wheel of Life 2025

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Rebecca-Monique (rbccmnq)

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