MONTHLY REMINDERReader, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. (Over)consumption, (mis)use of power and influence, (over)exertion, giving someone ‘a piece of our mind’…Every action has consequences. REFLECTION PROMPTS:
AUGUST'S REFLECTION PROMPTSAugust presents the following opportunities... I will seize them by... There are five months left of 2024; five chances to create opportunities and end the year strong. If it's not been a great year for you so far, you can start from where you are today. Opportunity number one is calling. 2 QUOTES WORTH PONDERING1. An African proverb on making the most of our precious life: “When death finds you, may it find you alive.” REFLECTION PROMPTS:
2. American author and voice actor, Tom Bodett on finding happiness: "They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy: Someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.” REFLECTION PROMPT:
POPULAR IN JULYPODCAST EPISODE 43: 21 questions to ask before starting a relationship. (a 5-minute listen)
INSTAGRAM (@noticingwithrebeccamonique) Who do you know would benefit from or appreciate this content? Be sure to share this muse-letter with them by forwarding on this email. USEFUL LINKSLet's stay connected. Here's where else you can find me: Website | Podcast | Blog | Instagram | Recommended Reading List* Not yet subscribed? You can sign up to this muse-letter here. New to the mailing list? You can view the archive of past editions here. About this muse-letter: You're receiving this email because you've subscribed to my mailing list. You'll typically receive an email from me once a month. Rarely will I send stand-alone emails about promotions, new products or services, and partnerships. Affiliate links within my emails are marked with an asterisk (*). Update your subscription preferences: You can unsubscribe from 'Reflect with Rebecca-Monique', or manage your subscriber profile via the respective links below. |
MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, continually ask yourself if your goal is to survive, thrive or flourish. REFLECTION PROMPTS: How do I know when I'm in survival mode? What does thriving look like in the next 12 months? Who am I when I'm flourishing? JANUARY'S REFLECTION PROMPT In January, I will ease the pressure to miraculously transform (myself, my life, a habit etc.). Instead, I will realistically choose to… Real, lasting change seldom happens in an instant. It's the culmination of small,...
MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, patience is a form of action. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What am I preparing to receive? How will I make space for what's to come? When I get what I want, how will I make sure I savour, nurture and maintain it? DECEMBER'S REFLECTION PROMPT In December, I will honour the last 12 months by... Whatever 2024 has signified for you, it's all part of the journey. Some dots may have connected (or not). Some anomalies may have popped up. The year may have produced some questions; it...
MONTHLY REMINDER Reader, our actions are an expression of our priorities. REFLECTION PROMPTS: What do my recent activities, desires, behaviours, conversations etc. reveal about what or who is important to me? What might these things indicate about what I’m avoiding or moving towards? What, if anything, needs to change? NOVEMBER'S REFLECTION PROMPT In November, I will be silent when... Not speaking our truth can be an act of self-betrayal. However, there are instances where silence is more...