Hidden priorities, signs and synchronicities, and powerful silences.


Reader, our actions are an expression of our priorities.


  • What do my recent activities, desires, behaviours, conversations etc. reveal about what or who is important to me?
  • What might these things indicate about what I’m avoiding or moving towards?
  • What, if anything, needs to change?


In November, I will be silent when...

Not speaking our truth can be an act of self-betrayal. However, there are instances where silence is more powerful and appropriate. Here are some examples of when silence is a display of strength and good character:

  • In the heat of anger;
  • When we don’t have all the facts;
  • When our words are lies;
  • If the issue is none of our business;
  • When we have no intention of repeating ourself.


1. Ingrid Goff-Maidoff on being fully open to guidance:

"God spoke today in flowers, and I, who was waiting on words, almost missed the conversation."


  • What might I have missed recently?
  • What was I focused on instead?
  • How will I be more open to intuitive signs and cues in the next 24 hours?

2. Quantum Leap by Karin Hadadan:

“What if I told you that the reason why you want certain things so deeply is because it’s already yours at some point on the timeline? Your future self is whispering to you through intuitive feelings, dreams planted within and crystal-clear visions. Those desires are not just wants; they’re previews of what’s already yours on the timeline of your life. Embody them in this present moment, for they are the breadcrumbs leading you to the manifestations of your destiny.”


  • What is already mine?
  • How will I use patience as a bridge?
  • What does my future Self want me to know?


PODCAST EPISODE 94: Listen to this if you feel broken.

(a 2-minute listen)

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