A half life, bright legacies, and simple maths.


Reader, some of the best moments of your life are yet to come.


  • What am I most excited for in the future?
  • What 'best moments' have I already experienced and how have they shaped me?


In March, I will add...

In March, I will subtract...

What additions or enhancements are needed? What requires removal or reduction?


1. Lebanese-American writer and poet, Khalil Gibran on living fully:

“Do not love half lovers
Do not entertain half friends
Do not indulge in works of the half talented
Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death

If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
Do not silence yourself to say something
And do not speak to be silent
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half a drink will not quench your thirst
Half a meal will not satiate your hunger
Half the way will get you no where
Half an idea will bear you no results
Your other half is not the one you love
It is you in another time yet in the same space
It is you when you are not
Half a life is a life you didn't live,
A word you have not said
A smile you postponed
A love you have not had
A friendship you did not know
To reach and not arrive
Work and not work
Attend only to be absent
What makes you a stranger to them closest to you
and they strangers to you
The half is a mere moment of inability
but you are able for you are not half a being
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life.”


  • What has been half done in my life?
  • What feels incomplete?
  • What feels whole?
  • What will I do fully and completely today?

2. Writer, Donna Ashworth on our legacy (book source: 'Wild Hope: Healing Words to Find Light on Dark Days'):

"If every single person who has liked you in your lifetime were to light up on a map, it would create the most glitteringly beautiful network you could imagine. Throw in the strangers you’ve been kind to, the people you’ve made laugh, or inspired along the way and that star-bright web of you would be an impressive sight to behold. You’re so much more than you think you are. You have done so much more than you realise. You’re trailing a bright pathway that you don’t even know about. What a thing. What a thing indeed."


  • What was my most recent act of kindness?
  • Who did I make smile recently? Who made me smile?
  • Who have I supported or inspired? Who has supported and inspired me?
  • What's my fondest memory of a stranger who left a positive lasting impression on me?




When we reflect deeply, we experience seismic shifts within... Read more


PODCAST EPISODE 62: 5 self-care journal prompts for 'the strong ones' and people-pleasers

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